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  • All Africa

Egypt Receives 15 More Railway Coaches From Hungary

Transport Minister Kamel el Wazir has announced the arrival of a new batch of railway passenger coaches.

This batch consists of 15 third-class air-conditioned coaches, said the minister.

The total number of train coaches, which have been delivered since the signing of an agreement for the supply of 1,300 passenger cars with the Russian-Hungarian consortium Transmashholding-Hungary Kft, have reached 770 so far, the minister also said. The rest of the coaches are set to arrive according to schedule, he added.

The agreement covers 500 cars for 3rd class with forced ventilation, 500 cars for 3rd class with air-conditioning, 180 cars for 2nd class with air-conditioning, 90 cars for 1st class with air-conditioning, 30 cars for 2nd class with air-conditioning and a cafeteria.

It was signed as per directives issued by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to develop the railway sector, the minister went on to say.

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